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최고의 무료 PDF 작성자 및 프린터(Best Free PDF Writers and Printers)
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팀으로 작업하는 경우 Xodo 에는 (Xodo)PDF 를 가상 회의실(virtual meeting room) 로 변환하는 채팅 기능이 있습니다 . 이렇게 하면 스마트폰이나 컴퓨터에서 온라인으로 실시간으로 다른 사람들과 공동 작업을 할 수 있으므로 이메일이 필요하거나 만날 시간을 찾을 필요가 없습니다.(collaborate with others online)
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또한 인쇄 가능한 문서를 전문적인 품질의 PDF로 변환(convert printable documents to professional quality PDFs) 하고 PC의 프린터 목록에서 CutePDF Writer 를 선택하여 파일을 인쇄할 수 있습니다 .
이 앱은 Windows ( Vista 에서 Windows 10 및 Windows Server 2008-2019까지)에서만 작동하며 (Windows Server)PDF 를 생성하려면 (PDFs)PDF 드라이버에 대한 추가 무료 포스트스크립트가 필요합니다 .
BullZip PDF 프린터는 무료 PDF 프린터입니다. 즉, 무료 버전을 사용할 수 있지만 특정 제한 사항이 있습니다. 그러나 앱에는 팝업이나 광고가 포함되어 있지 않으며 고급 기능이 필요한 경우 언제든지 상용 응용 프로그램으로 이동할 수 있습니다. 이 응용 프로그램은 무료 버전에서 10명의 사용자 제한을 제거합니다.
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PDF 프린터 앱만 필요한 경우 do PDF 는 확실한 선택입니다.
무료 PDF 프린터 앱은 PDF 파일을 생성하고 인쇄 가능한 파일을 PDF(PDFs) 로 변환할 수 있도록 합니다 . 앱은 가상 PDF 프린터 드라이버로 설치되며 (PDF)맬웨어(malware) 나 기타 임의의 추가 기능 을 다운로드하지 않고도 PDF 로 인쇄할 수 있습니다 .
PDF(PDFs) 를 DOCX , PPTX , HTML 또는 TXT 파일로 변환 하여 인쇄하거나 Microsoft Office 문서를 필요에 따라 인쇄 또는 웹 게시를 위해 PDF 로 변환할 수 있습니다.(PDFs)
doPDF의 주요 단점은 앱을 사용하여 작성하거나 편집할 수 없다는 것입니다. 인쇄 가능한 파일이나 이미지를 PDF(images to PDFs) 로 인쇄하거나 변환하기 위한 것 입니다.
빠른 PDF 편집 및 인쇄(Quickly Edit and Print PDFs)
PDF 에 쓰거나 인쇄하는 데 사용할 수 있는 도구가 너무 많아서 하나를 선택하기가 어렵습니다. 간단한 도구를 찾고 있다면 Windows 10 에 내장된 (Windows 10)Microsoft Print to PDF 서비스를 사용할 수 있습니다 . macOS 사용자의 경우 Mac에서 PDF를 편집하는 방법(how to edit PDFs on Mac) 에 대한 단계별 가이드를 참조 하십시오.
좋아하는 PDF 작성기 또는 프린터 도구가 있습니까? 의견에 대해 알려 주십시오.(Tell)
7 Best Free PDF Writers and Printers
Thе PDF documеnt format works on anу modern smartрhone, computer оr tablet. If you want to shаre or archive a web page or document, PDF is an ideal format to use thanks to its compatibility and portability.
With a free PDF writer, you can add information or highlight some areas on the document in order to update the file. A PDF printer app on the other hand offers printing facilities for your documents, email messages, photos, and other files making it easy to print PDFs right from your device.
Best Free PDF Writers and Printers
If you’re looking for the best free PDF writers and printers to use with your laptop or mobile device, here are some great options you can try.
Write on PDF is a free PDF writer that allows you to make notes on PDF documents. The powerful and convenient app contains many features to add text, highlight and add free handwritten notes with ease.
Among other things you can do with Write on PDF include the ability to search throughout the PDF document, bookmark for navigation, sync with Dropbox, and view in vertical and horizontal ways.
On top of that, you can give tabs to list all the PDF files in your device, save or share a PDF file with your text and drawing content.
Sejda is an online PDF writer that allows you to add text, images, shapes and drawings. You can also create forms, add annotations, highlight and whiteout sections of a document.
The powerful PDF writer and printer app is available online, which handles processing in the cloud, but you can also get the desktop edition for offline editing, which processes files locally.
If you need to quickly edit your PDF or add signatures to PDF documents, Sejda does that very well. In addition, Sejda recognizes text with OCR, and allows you to merge documents, add headers or footers with page numbers, crop or rotate pages, and split PDF files into smaller documents.
Sejda’s easy-to-use editor packs an impressive suite of features but its free version has page and hourly limits, limited access to specific tools, and limited file uploads no larger than 50MB in size. Plus, you can only work with one document at a time when using the web version of the app.
Depending on your needs, the free version may be adequate, but if you need more tools, you can subscribe to its paid-for version and access large file uploads of up to 500MB per file, processing multiple files at once, and unlimited documents with no page or hourly limits.
Xodo is a free PDF printer, writer and viewer app that makes it easy to markup documents and supports annotations that works with other PDF viewers.
With Xodo, you can save digital signatures as you would with Adobe Acrobat and use it across multiple documents. You can also edit, annotate, and share PDF files on the web, mobile and desktop devices so you can get things done.
If you want to fill forms, Xodo takes the stress out of filling forms by allowing you to do it with a touch of your finger whether you’re using a tablet or smartphone.
Plus, you can annotate PDFs by adding sticky notes, underlining, highlighting, or striking out passages. If you want, you can insert shapes, draw freehand, and change your annotation’s size, color, opacity and thickness.
If you’re working as a team, Xodo has a chat feature that transforms your PDF into a virtual meeting room. This way, you can collaborate with others online in real time from a smartphone or computer, eliminating the need for emails or having to find time to meet.
Xodo also lets you sign PDF files and print them directly from the app. Moreover, the app syncs with cloud storage services such as Google Drive and Dropbox so you can save and access your PDF documents with all your annotations, comments and edits when and where you need them.
Foxit MobilePDF is a small, lightweight PDF viewer that lets you open, view and annotate PDF documents.
The app supports zooming, annotations and searching text, but you can also create PDFs and convert them into Microsoft Office documents.
The free PDF writer and printer covers most of your needs when it comes to PDFs while delivering industry leading capabilities to use PDF files on the go.
You can use bookmarks to jump directly to a certain page, record recently opened files, click links in a document to open webpages, and add stamps to PDF documents. Plus, you can add comments and adjust their opacity and colors, fill out and save PDF forms, print or export PDFs as images, HTML or TXT files.
CutePDF Writer is an easy to use PDF writer and printer that allows you to add comments, create booklets and interactive form fields, stylized text stamps and more.
The app offers 128-bit AES security to encrypt your PDF file and restrict access from unauthorized users so that only you can access, edit, print and extract the content. If you want to edit a PDF though, you can still use the CutePDF Editor from your web browser.
Plus, you can convert printable documents to professional quality PDFs, and print your files by selecting CutePDF Writer from your list of printers on your PC.
The app only works with Windows (Vista to Windows 10 and Windows Server 2008-2019), and you need an additional free postscript to PDF driver to create PDFs.
BullZip PDF printer is a free PDF printer, which means you can use its free version but with certain limitations. However, the app doesn’t contain pop ups or ads, and if you need advanced features, you can always go for its commercial application, which removes the 10 user limit in the free version.
With the BullZip PDF printer, you can write PDF documents from Windows programs, control whether you want to see the resulting PDF document and password protect your PDFs.
The app offers 128/256 bit AES encryption to add security to your PDFs, and you can edit it to add watermark text and sign PDF documents using digital certificates. Plus, BullZip PDF printer supports multiple output types including PNG, JPEG, BMP, PCX, PDF and TIFF.
If you just need a PDF printer app, doPDF is a solid choice.
The free PDF printer app creates PDF files and allows you to convert printable files to PDFs. The app installs as a virtual PDF printer driver and you can print to PDF without downloading malware or other random add-ons.
You can convert PDFs to DOCX, PPTX, HTML or TXT files and print them out, or convert Microsoft Office documents into PDFs for printing or web publishing based on your needs.
The main downside with doPDF is that you can’t write or edit using the app; it’s just for printing or converting printable files or images to PDFs.
Quickly Edit and Print PDFs
There are so many tools you can use to write or print to PDF, making it difficult to select one. If you’re just looking for a simple tool, you can use the built-in Microsoft Print to PDF service in Windows 10. For macOS users, turn to our step-by-step guide on how to edit PDFs on Mac.
Do you have a favorite PDF writer or printer tool? Tell us about it in the comments.